
Additional optional field: food value

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The consumable could use some information about their nutritional values.

  • kcal, maybe splittable into
    • fat 9 kcal/g
    • protein 4 kcal/g
    • carbohydrates 4 kcal/g


I'm not sure I would find value in the specific nutritional fields, but kcal would certainly be useful.
I can take a stab at this.

I've got a concept ready for the Vue branch. I tried to keep it minimal (eg, lighterpack). The code is here: amokrunner@e1b77c5
Before adding a PR, I wanted to fish for feedback.
This is what it looks like:
There is a new option under "Settings" that shows up when you enable Consumable items:
Then, IF you have consumable items in a category, that category gets a column for calories. Other categories do not:
If there is a non-zero value of calories in the list, it shows up in your summary: