
Ability to create re-usable items that can be used in multiple lists?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It would be great if you could somehow populate your own library of common items you own, that you can then populate (or auto-complete) into lists.

For example, the list might contain the name/description/photo for the sunscreen, or hydration pack I always use, and I can drag/drop that, or auto-complete it into any of my lists.

+1 to wanting this. Some things about it that would help life:

  • additional notes on the items that don't make it to the list but are useful notes while evaluating gear for a trip (e.g. "prefer this for sub-freezing trips" or "practice packing this first before the trip")
  • maintaining a category on the library item that is automatically added to the list; it's unlikely that e.g. Jetboil will move out of the "cookware" category