
Show please "not worn" in the summary

Opened this issue · 7 comments


thanks a lot for the wonderful system!

My feature task:
You list in the summary:

  • Total xxx
  • Consumable xxx
  • Worn xxx
  • Base Weight xxx
    I always have to add up "Consumable" and "Base Weight" to get my backpack weight ...
    Could you maybe print this additionally as "Not worn"?
Zorks commented

Might make sense to have it labeled as "Total Pack Weight" and change the current Total to either "Skin-Out Weight" or "Total Trip Weight".

Came here to suggest exactly this! I second the wish to see "Total pack weight" added, and "Total" changed to "Skin-out weight".

Same here, I would love to see this pull request validated

I don't understand, why something like "Total Pack Weight" is still missing ...

I would like to have this as well. :)

Please ---

And the years pass by ..