
[Feature] Reusable categories

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be helpful if categories were reusable.

An example:

  • Equipment for ground setup
  • Equipment for hammock setup

Both need first aid, rain protection, flashlight...
So why not adding the same category (gear list) to both.

I was going to suggest a new feature to drag items between lists, which would be the more granular version of this. Sometimes you don't want to pull the entire category and all of its items into a new list (for example, larger First Aid kit vs. lighter kit).

This eliminates the need to create multiple categories with overlapping/duplicate items (bandages included in both "Full First Aid" category and "Light First Aid" category).

There's probably a good balance of both, somewhere in-between.

Cloning lists for each new loadout and deleting items from them seems like a bit too much overhead though.

I suppose another way to achieve this would be to allow the Quantity to be lowered to 0, so you could clone a list, and then eliminate the items you're not bringing from the overall weight calculation, without altering the list itself.