
Deepcopy lists

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It would be nice if you could deepcopy an existing list, which would give you the possibility to change e.g. the weight of components in one list, without altering the same property in another list.

I sometimes copy an existing list before a new round of weight optimization, where you would like to keep the original list as a reference or starting point. Right now, if you optimize the weight of individual components, that is also changed in the original list, making it difficult to keep track of the overall weight optimization.

This is clearly mentioned when copying a list:

Note: Copying a list will link the items between your lists. Updating an item in one list will alter that item in all other lists that item is in.

But it would be nice to have an option to disable this behaviour.

As a workaround: you can deepcopy an existing list by exporting it to .csv (share -> export ..), and importing it again as a new list.

EDIT I'm not 100% sure if this works, because of this: #229 issue I can't save any lists at the moment.