
Worn items in quantity not calculated under worn total

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When marking a item as worn that I have multiple of (i.e. trekking poles), the total for worn is missing the weight of the multiple items.



They are totaled correctly under the user defined category, just not under the worn subtotal.

If I change the weight to reflect one pair, and change the quantity to 1 everything is totalled correctly.



Came here to report the same issue, can confirm the bug

I also see this bug consistently.

This is functioning as designed, recommend closing. See the "Help":
Quantity and worn values
If you have multiple quantity of an item and mark that item as worn, only the first quantity will count towards your worn weight. The rest will count towards your pack weight. This is because most items you have multiple of, you only wear one at once. This means you can't list your shoes/trekking poles with weights as individual weights and quantity of two - you should list as the combined weight with quantity of one.