Broken with Agda 2.5.1
tjakway opened this issue · 0 comments
tjakway commented
Building with Agda 2.5.1 and std-lib commit aaac2f65faee448c0a90b959b50c8dba02285173 (which comes with 2.5.1) gives the following error:
Calling: ghc -O -o __compile/aGdaREP -Werror -i__compile -main-is MAlonzo.Code.QaGdaREP __compile/MAlonzo/Code/QaGdaREP.hs --make -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fno-warn-overlapping-patterns
[119 of 121] Compiling MAlonzo.Code.Bindings.Arguments.Primitive ( __compile/MAlonzo/Code/Bindings/Arguments/Primitive.hs, __compile/MAlonzo/Code/Bindings/Arguments/Primitive.o )
Compilation error:
Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Data.Text.Text’
Expected type: MAlonzo.Code.Agda.Builtin.IO.AgdaIO
() (MAlonzo.Code.Agda.Builtin.List.AgdaList () Data.Text.Text)
Actual type: IO [String]
In the expression: System.Environment.getArgs
In an equation for ‘d6’: d6 = System.Environment.getArgs
Makefile:5: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 1