CSV output contains CSS code lines from style tag
ptrstn opened this issue · 1 comments
ptrstn commented
I used your website and ran into a rather unexpected behavior.
I tried to parse the table at https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_traditioneller_Radikale, which, for the most part, resulted in a great csv table.
Only the lines with the number 64 and 147 contained a (unwanted) .mw-parser-output .Hant{font-size:110%}
Nr.,Zeichen (Varianten),Pīnyīn,Bedeutung und Anmerkungen,Häufig-keit,Kurz-zeichen,Beispiele
64,"手 (.mw-parser-output .Hans{font-size:110%}才,扌 links)",shǒu,"Hand, in der Hand halten",1.203,,手打持掛挙
147,.mw-parser-output .Hant{font-size:110%}見,jiàn,sehen,161,见[2],規親覺觀
When I inspected the source code of the wiki page, I saw that this text is indeed embedded in the html table itself (only for these two lines though):
<link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r184932623">
<span lang="zh-Hani" class="Hani">手</span> (
<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r184932629">.mw-parser-output .Hans{font-size:110%}</style>
<span lang="zh-Hans" class="Hans">才</span>,
<link rel="mw-deduplicated-inline-style" href="mw-data:TemplateStyles:r184932623">
<span lang="zh-Hani" class="Hani">扌</span> <small>links</small>)
<style data-mw-deduplicate="TemplateStyles:r184932626">.mw-parser-output .Hant{font-size:110%}</style>
<span lang="zh-Hant" class="Hant">見</span>
Can the CSS code inside any <style></style>
tag, or the style
tag itself, be removed when generating the csv table?
gambolputty commented
I rewrote the app and this issue should now be resolved.