onFetch is spammed
acrocat opened this issue · 1 comments
acrocat commented
It feels like the ListView is ignoring the threshold completely and just calls onFetch successively until an empty array is returned.
keyExtraction={(item , index) => `${item.name} - ${index}`}
item={(rowData) => {
return <EventListCard
onPress={() => { props.tappedResult(rowData) }}
event={rowData} />
The fetch method being called:
_fetch (page = 1 , startFetch , abortFetch) {
if (term = this.props.navigation.state.params.term) {
this._performSearch(term , page).then(data => {
// We have the data from the search
return startFetch(data , 20);
} else {
console.log("We do not have a search term");
return abortFetch();
Any help, even a work around for this would be appreciated.
acrocat commented
Turns out this is an issue with nesting a FlatList inside a ScrollView. I am now instead rendering the UltimateListView as the root component and putting my 'non-list' components in the header of that FlatList.