
All versions of the application do not work on Android 12, should we stop using Gamesir?

BANDARALJOHANI opened this issue · 7 comments

Are we looking for other companies? Or is there a solution soon?

Other companies. Absolutely.

شركات أخرى. قطعاً.

much is available

4.2.9 has been released

4.2.9 has been released

Yeah it has but only 1 side of my screen seems to be working no matter what I do.

4.2.9 has been released

Does it work on your phone?
would you mind sharing your phone and android version?

The latest version 4.2.9 works on Android 12

4.2.9 has been released

Yeah it has but only 1 side of my screen seems to be working no matter what I do.

Have you tried turning on "intensive mapping" on the in game drop down menu?