
error while performing gtsrcmaps

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I was running a standard analysis after the recent fixes were added when I ran into the following error.

time -p gtsrcmaps scfile=/home/parth/SINP/1ES1218+304veritas/enrico/L190412105317D2B2D19892_SC00.fits sctable="SC_DATA" expcube=/home/parth/SINP/1ES1218+304veritas/enrico/1ES1218+304_LAT_Analysis_ltCube.fits cmap=/home/parth/SINP/1ES1218+304veritas/enrico/1ES1218+304_LAT_Analysis_CCUBE.fits srcmdl=/home/parth/SINP/1ES1218+304veritas/enrico/1ES1218+304_PowerLaw2_model.xml bexpmap=/home/parth/SINP/1ES1218+304veritas/enrico/1ES1218+304_LAT_Analysis_BinnedMap.fits wmap=none outfile=/home/parth/SINP/1ES1218+304veritas/enrico/1ES1218+304_LAT_Analysis_PowerLaw2_srcMap.fits irfs="P8R3_SOURCE_V2" evtype=3 convol=yes resample=yes rfactor=2 minbinsz=0.1 ptsrc=yes psfcorr=yes emapbnds=no copyall=no chatter=2 clobber=yes debug=no gui=no mode="ql"

WARNING: version mismatch between CFITSIO header (v3.43) and linked library (v3.41).

Using evtype=3 (i.e., FRONT/BACK irfs)
facilities::WrongType. Cannot convert '<!DOCTYPE'to type double
Caught N10facilities9WrongTypeE at the top level: facilities::WrongType. Cannot convert '<!DOCTYPE'to type double
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/parth/enrico/bin/enrico_sed", line 53, in
File "/home/parth/enrico/bin/enrico_sed", line 13, in sed
File "/home/parth/enrico/enrico/", line 147, in run
FitRunner,Fit = GenAnalysisObjects(config)
File "/home/parth/enrico/enrico/", line 123, in GenAnalysisObjects
tag=typeirfs[evt], verbose = verbose)
File "/home/parth/enrico/enrico/", line 25, in Analysis
FitRunner.GenerateFits() #Generates fits files for the rest of the products
File "/home/parth/enrico/enrico/", line 82, in GenerateFits
File "/home/parth/enrico/enrico/", line 409, in SrcMap
File "/home/parth/anaconda2/envs/fermi1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fermitools/", line 76, in run
raise RuntimeError, self.appName + " execution failed"
RuntimeError: gtsrcmaps execution failed

I try to have a look into it

Probably the content of the iso file is wrong and contains a 403/404-like html response? I am having a look at this and a few other issues.