
fitting SED with broken-power law

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hallo Christoph and David

I want ask about possibility of fitting SED with Broken power-law, what i have to do, do i have to choose generic-model, and define broken-power-law in the xml file and then run the script

or there another way.??

2- Does the script enrico_testmodel, support testing also the broken power-law and will tell me which is the better model to fit the data, or the script as i think support only power-law and log-parapola.

I already posted this in google group, but there was no answer


Hello Mahmoud

  1. yes. generic-model is desing for that even if it has not been fully tested

  2. no it support Power Law, LogParabola and Power law with cut off. You can still had the BPL model or just compare the loglikelihood you get


Thank you David
Ok I will test this generic model.

but it will be great if enrico fully support BPL model like other models. if you can add this in the future


no problem.
you can also developpe it in enrico :-)