
Acquiring data from Url

  • Use curl command to extract data from a wesbite. Using curl <website url> -O <filename.format> to extract the url data into the required file format.

Process text data

  • tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile is used to transform space in the data file.
  • tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile | sort is used for sorting.
  • tr ' ' '\12' < returnedfile | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > result.txt is used to transfer of shift processed data into a result.txt file.
  • -n -- is used to sort value by their numerical values.
  • -r -- is used to reverse the comparisions.
  • A single letter flag has a single dash.
  • Two dashes are used for multiple letter flags.

Important bash commands

  • use CTRL+SHFT+C is paste into bash instaead of CTRL+C.