
This project was created to answer a technical assignment for a IT company based on Netherlands. The purpose of the project was to show my skills as a Senior Software Engineer and how I would build a testable and maintanable software using design and architecture best practices.

Primary LanguageC#

Interview - Technical Assignment - Caue Gonçalves dos Santos

This project was created to answer a technical assignment for a IT company based on Netherlands. The purpose of the project was to show my skills as a Senior Software Engineer and how I would build a testable and maintanable software using design and architecture best practices.

What have I applied in the project?

  • Design Patterns

    • Singleton: Used in the repository instance
    • Abstract Factory: Used to construct the product type*
    • Facade: Encapsulate the Order Service complexity (Save and Calculate)
    • Strategy: Choosing the right component for each infrastruture peace
    • Repository: Repository pattern to store and retrieve data
* There were many ways to solve this problem, like using a EF In Memory, a database. But considering the limited scope of the API and the purpose of the development, I think applying a design pattern will prove some OOP skill.
  • SOLID Principles

    • Single Responsability: Each class and each method has one responsability. Except the facade class... sometimes we have to make choices...
    • Open Close: We can add new Product Types without impacting the existing ones.
    • Dependency Inversion: The repository, storage service and order service, the entire application is working with abstraction, not implementation. The responsible for inject the implementatios is the IoC project.
  • .Net Features

    • LINQ: At the aggregation function in the storage service
    • Dependency Injection: Almost the entire project
    • Dictionary: Used as repository. O(1) of complexity.
    • nUnit: To test the projects
  • Packages

    • Log: simple Serilog implementation to output logs to the console
    • Health Checks: simple health check implementation
    • MVC Testing: to perform API integrated tests
  • Testing

    • Unit tests: In the class and components
    • Integrated test: In the API using HttpClient

How to run the API?

Access the src/cgds.manufacture/cgds.manufacture.api and run the command:

dotnet run

Or open the project in Visual Studio and hit the Run button.

How to test the API?

There are two routes on the API:

  1. GET - /api/order/{orderId}

    • To obtain the order details, where {orderId} is the identifier (int) of the order.
  2. POST - /api/order/

    • To include an order with items. PS: An order will be replaced if a new order be POSTed with the same orderId. It's a feature, not a bug!
	"orderId": 1,
	"items": [
				"productType": "photoBook",
				"quantity": 1
				"productType": "calendar",
				"quantity": 3
				"productType": "mug",
				"quantity": 5

Be safe and have a nice day.