compiling my plugin fails because of different versioned kotlin runtime wrapped in dokka embeddable
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manfredk commented
I'm using version 0.9.9 of the plugin-tools in my plugin project. Compiling (with mvn clean install
) fails because of a different versioned kotlin runtime wrapped in the dokka embeddable. This is the error message:
[INFO] --- maven-plugin-plugin:3.6.0:helpmojo (help-goal) @ gorky-maven-plugin ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to read mojo source files.
[ERROR] warning: some JAR files in the classpath have the Kotlin Runtime library bundled into them. This may cause difficult to debug problems if there's a di
fferent version of the Kotlin Runtime library in the classpath. Consider removing these libraries from the classpath
[ERROR] C:\Users\...\.m2\repository\com\github\gantsign\maven\plugin-tools\dokka-embeddable\0.9.9\dokka-embeddable-0.9.9.jar: warning: library has Kotlin
runtime bundled into it
[ERROR] warning: some JAR files in the classpath have the Kotlin Runtime library bundled into them. This may cause difficult to debug problems if there's a di
fferent version of the Kotlin Runtime library in the classpath. Consider removing these libraries from the classpath
[ERROR] C:\Users\...\.m2\repository\com\github\gantsign\maven\plugin-tools\dokka-embeddable\0.9.9\dokka-embeddable-0.9.9.jar: warning: library has Kotlin
runtime bundled into it
[ERROR] warning: some JAR files in the classpath have the Kotlin Runtime library bundled into them. This may cause difficult to debug problems if there's a di
fferent version of the Kotlin Runtime library in the classpath. Consider removing these libraries from the classpath
[ERROR] C:\Users\...\.m2\repository\com\github\gantsign\maven\plugin-tools\dokka-embeddable\0.9.9\dokka-embeddable-0.9.9.jar: warning: library has Kotlin
runtime bundled into it
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any idea, how to solve this?
freemanjp commented
Is there some reason you're using version 0.9.9
(it's almost two years old - 0.9.24
is the latest version)?
Can you run mvn -X plugin:helpmojo
and add a comment with the output.
manfredk commented
the reason is that i get rather confused at times with version listings and pick the latest version as if it be sorted numerically.
Since the prev post above, I removed the plugin and cannot reproduce the issue above any more, sorry.