
Current Session Data

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First off, thank you for making this!

I just started building an application using this api and it seems like it is only getting data for last years session, not the actual current session. Legislation that are introduced in the previous year that are not passed are still eligible to be taken up and passed this year which is why I think they show two sessions worth of data at a time. The data still includes legislation that has been passed from last year.

If you look at the advanced search here, search for SB 264 (horse racing). This is something that is not returned through your legislation endpoint and is current. I imagine that there is a 2015 endpoint and 2016 endpoint that both need to be included to make up the current sessions legislation. To be clear what I'm saying is that if your intent is to have /legislation return the current session, the desirable thing would be to have last year and this year returned because legislation from the previous year is still eligible to be considered this year. I haven't dug into this at all but will. I'm not a big node guy but if I discover the fix I will make a pr if that is ok.

Hi Frank,

I can save you a bit of time. The jobs/import system hasn't worked correctly since I migrated the app over to Heroku and I haven't had much demand to make it work correctly to be honest. I spent some time looking into it tonight, but unfortunately had little luck. :/

I can try again later if you like, but I'm recommending people to at this point. I suspect their system will prove more reliable in the long run.