
The problem of accuracy?

Zhangwenyao1 opened this issue · 0 comments

Thanks for your great job!
When I run this code with COOP, I find the result of trained on oxford_flowers is great,
=> result
=> result

  • total: 2,463
  • correct: 2,332
  • accuracy: 94.7%
  • error: 5.3%
  • macro_f1: 94.6%
    Elapsed: 0:15:09
    But if I run it again(as your code show, it will use the model I trained last time, which got good results), it gets a bad result as follows:
    => result
  • total: 2,463
  • correct: 24
  • accuracy: 1.0%
  • error: 99.0%
  • macro_f1: 0.1%
    Elapsed: 0:00:11
    I am not sure why it produces a bad result, can you give me some advice.