
targeting untagged elements

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have a prose class from tailwindcss that styles all p and a and h1 and etc. elements inside of it, but the problem is those p and a and h1 elements do not have the data-v-whatever tag that react-scoped-css adds. So I need to find a way to target those, but it appears this isn't supported. :/

Oh, if I append /deep/ to the selector then prose works perfectly. Had to switch to node-sass, but I'm already using craco so it's no big deal. Yay

Nevermind, node-sass does not support :not, and sass has said it will never ever support /deep/ or >>>

I think I worked around this at the time by having a separate completely unscoped CSS file just for this. I'm assuming the closure is because there's some other solution to this now? Is it #60?

@LoganDark Yes, I believe #60 can solve your problem.

If it works, then it should. I don't have that problem anymore, I've long since left that project. But hopefully in the future it should be a solved problem.