
Please provide a short abstract

olexandr-konovalov opened this issue · 1 comments

It's now empty:

AbstractHTML := "",

For the rules, see the Example package:

##  Provide a short (up to a few lines) abstract in HTML format, explaining
##  the package content. This text will be displayed on the package overview
##  Web page. Please use '<span class="pkgname">GAP</span>' for GAP and
##  '<span class="pkgname">MyPKG</span>' for specifing package names.
# AbstractHTML := "This package provides  a collection of functions for \
# computing the Smith normal form of integer matrices and some related \
# utilities.",
AbstractHTML := 
  "The <span class=\"pkgname\">Example</span> package, as its name suggests, \
   is an example of how to create a <span class=\"pkgname\">GAP</span> \
   package. It has little functionality except for being a package.",

Pull request #42 closes this.