
reddish keywords vs. IDE errors

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I really like this scheme, but there is one major issue that keeps me from using it thoroughly: the reddish keywords. Call it "badly trained", but my eye is constantly thinking that the IDE is pointing out an error here. To make things worse, actual errors get lost when scanning the code.

Spot the bad symbol (C# on Rider):

@marcwittke Normally, the red color or ResetAccessFailedCountAsyncBla(user) is mean missing implementation.

Is that true in your case?

yes, its an invalid identifier. the method is called ResetAccessFailedCountAsync(user). I provoked it to demonstrate the issue: It's hard to distinguish which red is actually a problem.

@marcwittke Agree, will change on 4.0 release. Thanks for your opinion.

At the meantime, please try to configure by yourself with the following instructions.

Under Color Scheme > General > Errors and Warnings

Properties Value
Unknown symbol Effect #BC3F3C Bold Underscored

Screenshot 2021-08-06 at 7 46 03 PM

cool, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the headsup