
[Intellij] Identifier Under Caret extremely hard to see

JamesYeoman opened this issue · 2 comments

When the caret is on a keyword, Intellij is meant to highlight each other occurrence of the keyword. The feature is called Identifier Under Caret.

Gapstyle sets this to underline, and I found it's extremely hard to see the underline. To the point where just changing it from outline to bordered made it significantly easier to see. It's still by no means a perfect solution (a proper highlight would be preferred). I've got a couple of screenshots.

The first is gapstyle's default

The second is with the underscore changed to border

As you can see, the underscore blends in with the character, while the border stands out a bit more. Compared to a highlight, it's still illegible, but when trying to configure the background colour to be a highlight, I just couldn't get the colours to look right. So for now, I'll have to settle with a border.

I should note that this is limited to Intellij. VSCode highlighting works fine.

There is a proposal from Gap on the closed issue - "Identifier under caret" [IntelliJ setting] should have a background.

@JamesYeoman Thank you for contributing to GapStyle!

Like @kenlee0305 mentioned, please add the following changes #29 by yourself

This changes will be applied to GapStyle 4.0 (WIP)