
Packages installed via apm can not be used

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I use atom portable (windows) in a corporate network and have some ssl issues that I can not install packages in atom. That's not the case.

I've tried to install packages from command line via apm. It works, "apm ls" command shows the package is installed but in atom I can not see the package. Installation has done into "c:\Users*Home* " path, apm sees them but I think atom portable looks for packages under its "d:\Papps******" folder so I can not use packages that I've installed via apm.

I've moved packages manually to under d:\Papps****\AtomPortable\Data\atom\packages and it seems to be working.

I think configuration should be portable and never use the folder under c:\Users****, using which fonder is not exactly portable.

Hi. I have exactly the same problem :/. Any fix available today? Thank you


You should set the ATOM_HOME environment variable to where your .atom folder lives