
Failed to configure repo: instance is a required

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Since latest update (so for last 3 days) I have 0 backups, I see this error
I was trying to create new connection - the same error.
I have no idea what is is "instance is a required" I don't see this field
instance is a required field in the backrest config
{ "id": "gDrive2", "uri": "rclone:remote:Rclone/Restic", "password": "mypass", "env": [ "RESTIC_COMPRESSION=auto" ], "flags": [ "-o rclone.program=/opt/homebrew/bin/rclone" ], "prunePolicy": { "maxUnusedPercent": 25, "schedule": { "maxFrequencyDays": 7 } }, "autoUnlock": true }

How it is possible to break what was working for months - have no idea, the same I don't see UI improvements since last my tickets, no labels or hints, even error message has 0 helpful information.

Hey, the 1.0.0 upgrade is a major revision with some breaking changes / behavior changes. Much of what changed is internal but will enable multi-host management, restic check support etc (and a number of new features are added per the release log).

When you open the WebUI you should be getting prompted to set an "instance ID" for your host -- if you aren't please go to the settings panel and set an instance ID.

Sorry that this is failing your backups, that was an oversight when I was validating the upgrade -- this was intended to be a warning for 1.0.0 and an error down the line. I'll put out a patch release to downgrade missing instance field to a warning.

Oh, thanks, never seen this message.