
Published 1.2.0 Linux binary is actually 1.17.2

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
The published asset is not actually updated. I have noted that the CI seemed to have failed 5 days ago in the GitHub action but a binary was still released and published with 1.2.0. But when I run it it is in fact the wrong binary

To Reproduce

  1. Download backrest_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
  2. Observe that it is actually 1.17.2

Expected behavior
Assets should not be released if they are the wrong binaries

I'm not able to reproduce this -- downloading the latest binary shows the version as 1.2.0 and I see recently added features included. Are you sure you've upgraded successfully?

Got it working now. It seems not running systemctl enable backrest after updating the binary caused it to use the old one from memory even though it was replaced