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Two text-boxes: left and right. In left user will enter source colors, and in right — dependent.
After clicking button 'Gogogo', system will output in 3rd textbox/column/layer/section result of transformation.

For example:

  • #ff8000 entered in 1st column
  • #bf8040 — in 2nd
  • then in 3rd we will have: "saturate(#ff8000, 20%); // #bf8040"


browserify main.js > dist/main.js

For browserify to work we need to remove:

  • conditional exports like

    module.exports = require(process.env.COLOR_MODEL_COVERAGE
    ? './.coverage/lib'
    : './lib'

  • and all eval's like eval('var Rgb = require("./rgb")');

Same module can be installed in it's own node_modules from where browserify will take it to proceed with.

We can use some jquery or another here.