
Dark Mode to be added

ShauryaBhandari opened this issue ยท 8 comments

A background has been designed for the dark theme, as well as the button to toggle between the light and dark theme.
Add functionality to the toggle button for it to switch between themes.

NOTE: This is a new website trend and hence is a bit challenging to work with.

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I am interested in this.

Assigned to you @ymaheshwari1
Just in case you are unable to complete it, please let us know so it can assigned to someone else.

@ShauryaBhandari Where can I find the background that is designed?

You can check in this PR. I just merged it! Pull from the hackincodes branch. Link: #70

Is anybody working on this issue?
Urgent. Please finish it off as a non functional theme button is even worse than no option. ๐Ÿ˜„

I would like this issue to be assigned to me!