
Format Matplotlib for a scientific thesis (depracated! use garrettj403/SciencePlots!)

Primary LanguageMakefile

Thesis Plots

NOTE: I made a new project called SciencePlots that is more recent. I'll leave ThesisPlots here in case anyone is still using it.

Nice plot formatting for a scientific thesis

Author: John Garrett (https://github.com/garrettj403)

Description: This repo has two matplotlib style files that you can use to format plots for your thesis (or academic paper). The thesis style was optimized for singular plots (plots all on their own), while the subfigure style was optimized to fit two figures side-by-side (as a subfigure in LaTeX).

Installation: Put the *.mplstyle files in your Matplotlib style directory. If you're not sure where this is, in an interactive python console type:

import matplotlib

You should get back something like '/home/garrett/.matplotlib'. You'd then put the *.mplstyle files in ~/.matplotlib/stylelib/ (you may need to create the stylelib directory). If your computer is like mine, you can use the Makefile contained within the repo to do this automatically.

Use: Whenever you want to use one of these styles, simply add the following to the top of your python script:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# or

Note that in the second case, the subfigure style will override some of the parameters from the thesis style.


alt text

Note: This looks a lot better as a PDF! See the examples/ directory for more.