
Problem with GPack.layout adjustments

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Here is the layout definition from

let layout ?hadjustment ?vadjustment ?layout_width ?layout_height =
  Layout.make_params []
    ?hadjustment:(may_map GData.as_adjustment hadjustment)
    ?vadjustment:(may_map GData.as_adjustment hadjustment)
    ?width:layout_width ?height:layout_height ~cont:(
  pack_container ~create:(fun p -> new layout (Layout.create p)))

It looks wrong because the vadjustment parameter is never used, but hadjustment is used twice. I've tried to create a simple example to see what happens and something is wrong even if not exactly what I was expecting.

let main () = 
  let _local = GMain.init () in
  let window = GWindow.window ~title: "Layout Demo" ~width: 450 ~height: 450 () in
  ignore@@ window#misc#connect#destroy ~callback: GMain.quit;

  let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~packing: window#add () in
  let layout = GPack.layout 
      ~hadjustment: sw#hadjustment ~vadjustment: sw#vadjustment 
      ~layout_width: 600 ~layout_height: 600 
      ~packing: sw#add () in

  let a = GMisc.label ~text: "A" () in
  layout#put a#coerce ~x: 20 ~y: 20;

  let b = GMisc.label ~text: "B" () in
  layout#put b#coerce ~x: 500 ~y: 500;

  window#show ();
  GMain.main ()

let _ = main ()

What happens when I compile and run this code is that the vertical scrolling works and horizontal scrolling doesn't.
However if I scroll horizontally and then vertically then it jumps to to the correct position.

Hope this helps

Fixed in lablgtk3 (034d4fb) and master (c5a4b68)