
Library "" is hidden (unsatisfied 'exist_if')

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I can't install goplot on MacOS due to:

# File "bin/dune", line 5, characters 37-48:
# 5 |  (libraries oplot parseutil lablgtk2
#                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^
# Error: Library "" in /Users/san/.opam/default/lib/lablgtk2 is
# hidden (unsatisfied 'exist_if').
# -> required by _build/default/bin/goplot.exe
# -> required by _build/install/default/bin/goplot
# -> required by _build/default/goplot.install
# -> required by alias install

Note that I'm not familiar with MacOS, and the install works fine on Ubuntu
opam pin add

I have no idea what the problem could be.
With ocaml 4.14.1 using macports under macos, I could install goplot using the command you indicate.

The mac I had was using brew so maybe the problem is there.