
Remote Service

Merynek opened this issue · 8 comments

I tried Remote service but immediately after this command: backstop remote it display
and on i cant see anything naturally.

Any idea?

Same problem here using BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=3001 backstop remote or backstop remote

Same problem here using BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=3001 backstop remote or backstop remote

Totally same :-)
I run backstop remote

@Merynek it seems to be working with 6.1.3, fyi

Uh oh. Looks like this is broken in 6.1.4. I will roll this back.

dgrebb commented

Was this fixed? I haven't been able to get remote working with Node 16, 18, on any port I can think of.

What's happening


❯ BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=1338 backstop remote --config="backstop.production.json"
BackstopJS v6.2.2
Loading config:  /Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop/backstop.production.json

COMMAND | Executing core for "remote"
 remote | Starting remote with: node /Users/dgrebb/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/lib/node_modules/backstopjs/node_modules/super-simple-web-server/index.js /Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop /Users/dgrebb/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/lib/node_modules/backstopjs/remote --config=/Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop/backstop.production.json with env {"SSWS_HTTP_PORT":"1338"}
 remote | Backstop remote connection closed.
COMMAND | Command "remote" successfully executed in [0.006s]




BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=1338 backstop remote --config="backstop.production.json"
BackstopJS v6.1.3
Loading config:  /Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop/backstop.production.json

COMMAND | Executing core for "remote"
 remote | Starting remote with: SSWS_HTTP_PORT=1338 node /Users/dgrebb/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/lib/node_modules/backstopjs/node_modules/super-simple-web-server/index.js /Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop /Users/dgrebb/.nvm/versions/node/v16.18.1/lib/node_modules/backstopjs/remote --config=/Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop/backstop.production.json
 remote |

 remote | Starting static hosts with root: /Users/dgrebb/Projects/backstop/_ci/backstop
          Press Ctrl + C to exit.

 remote | Listening on:

 remote | Listening on:

 remote | Request from:  /

 remote | Request from:  /

What I've Tried

  • nvm use 16
  • sudo BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=3001 backstop remote --config="backstop.production.json"
  • BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=1338 backstop remote --config="backstop.production.json"
  • a dozen other ports
  • npm i -g backstopjs
  • downgrading to backstopjs@6.1.3
  • upgrading to super-simple-web-server@1.1.4
  • lsof -i :3001 and other attempted ports — all open

Side Notes

dgrebb commented

@garris @Merynek @martiniert submitted a PR for the fix: #1488

garris commented

@dgrebb Thanks for this!

Hey guys, this problems seems to have persisted to some degree, have tried using the remote command with no success, running on version 6.2.2 on macOS Sonoma.
Running it with the command BACKSTOP_REMOTE_HTTP_PORT=8080 backstop remote --config="backstop.config.js" results in the same error message:

I tried Remote service but immediately after this command: backstop remote it display image and on i cant see anything naturally.

Any idea?

Was able to get it running when switching over to version 6.1.3, though no button appears for approving in the web interface. It also runs on my colleagues Windows system, though had to remove the port definition for it to work.
This problem is encountered by someone else as well, as can be seen in this issue: #1498
Please let me know if there is any other information I could provide to help troubleshoot this, thanks!