
How to avoid diffs on elements with css animation?

use opened this issue · 3 comments

use commented

I have CSS animations which happen when the page gains focus in the browser. No amount of the delay property stops these animations from firing at the moment the screenshot is taken.

Inevitably, this causes diffs due to tiny differences in the frame of CSS animation the element is on.

Is there any way to avoid these diffs?

garris commented

How about waiting for onAnimationEnd events?

use commented

So to clarify - I would add an onAnimationEnd listener to the element in question. This listener would print something to the console. And I would use readyEvent to check for that string in the console?

Try disabling the animations. I do the following:

  • Disable all CSS transitions
  • Eagerly load any images that would be lazy-loaded
  • Block GIFs
  • Set prefers-reduced-motion

You should endeavour to make sure that any large CSS animations of the kind you describe are gated behind a prefers-reduced-motion check. Then VRT process gets a nice clean static page to screenshot, and as a free bonus, your site is more accessible.

Works great for JS-based animations too (unlike, say, * { animation: none })

/* backstop_data/engine_scripts/backstop.css */
* {
  transition: none !important;
  transition-duration: 0 !important;
  transition-delay: 0 !important;
img[src$=".gif"] { display: none !important; }
// backstop_data/engine_scripts/puppet/onBefore.js
module.exports = async (page, scenario, vp) => {
  await page.emulateMediaFeatures([{name: 'prefers-reduced-motion', value: 'reduce'}])
// backstop_data/engine_scripts/puppet/onReady.js
const fs = require("fs")

module.exports = async (page, scenario, vp) => {
  console.log(`SCENARIO START: ${scenario.label}`)

  await page.addStyleTag({ content: fs.readFileSync("backstop_data/engine_scripts/backstop.css", "utf-8") })

  // Prompt lazy-loaded images to load
  await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelectorAll("img[loading=lazy]").forEach(img => img.loading = "eager"))
  await page.waitForNetworkIdle({ idleTime: 250 })

  console.log(`SCENARIO END: ${scenario.label}`)