
QUESTION: How do I capture a reference after doing an action with playwright?

awhisler opened this issue · 2 comments

I have been googling for a few days and I cannot find this answer anywhere so I apologize this is more of a question then potentially an issue but the scenario within the backstop.json is only relevant if I don't have to do some action before I capture the page screenshot. What if I need to log into an application before I can get the next scenario. How do I do this? I have a playwright application that logs into an application then I envisioned I needed to call something like "backstopCapture()" on the test file. Is this a thing? What am I missing here?

static async login({ page }, username: string) {
    const emailFild = await page.locator(;
    await emailFild.fill(username);
    await page.getByRole('button').click();

    const passwordField = await page.locator(loginSelectors.password);
    await passwordField.fill(common.password);
    await page.locator(loginSelectors.loginSubmit).click();
    await expect(page.locator(; //logged in successfully

If not, how do I do this within the backstop.json?

You can use onReadyScript to perform actions before capturing the screenshot. Or you can use cookies as well for login.

@sreeram1985 thank you!! It does seem like it can't capture the login screen though now? I have one scenario for before it logs in

But again, is there a way for me to not do all the exact same actions that are in my playwright script and just capture references/scenarios as Im running my playwright tests?