
Different reference names in different environments

gotbahn opened this issue · 3 comments

Have a trouble with running tests in CI (previous week or so all was fine):

Bitmap file generation completed.
COMMAND | Executing core for `report`
COMMAND | Command `report` ended with an error
COMMAND | Reference image not found: /home/travis/build/godban/

Happening because of prefix in reference name 01876053680_Index_0_logo_0_phone.png which is different from my local & committed one 2005537259_Index_0_logo_0_phone.png

It is looks like prefix is environment depending. Why it was changed? Previously all was fine without prefixes.

@godban Thanks for posting. The hash was added because we anticipate users with many config files may run into name conflicts with matching scenario names from different configs. Therefore BackstopJS attempts to create a unique ID for each un-named config. This does present an issue when sharing files.

To avoid this conflict you can simply name your scenarios by using the ID property. Please see the docs here...

Please let me know if this solves your issue -- I don't want this new feature to overly complicate the app.


@garris thx for quick response

Setting id resolves this issue.

Glad it worked out. Cheers!