
[Help Requested] Fixing Typos in Documentation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The very start of the [is]( function's documentation says:

is is meant to be used in conjonction with assert and enable you to tell the compiler:
"Trust me this `valule` is of type `T`" or "Trust me this `value` is not of type `T`"

This should be:

`is` is meant to be used in conjunction with `assert` and enables you to tell the compiler:
"Trust me, this `value` is of type `T`" or "Trust me this `value` is not of type `T`"

This is one of a few typos I have noticed, as well as missing commas in the import line on assert:

// The website says
import { assert AssertionError } from "tsafe/assert";
// Should say
import { assert, AssertionError } from "tsafe/assert";  

If it is possible, I would be happy to submit a pull request to modify these typos, however I cannot seem to find where these files are stored. If that is not a possibility, I can collect all the typos noticed into a single issue, such as this one, for easy reference and fixing.

I found the docs_v1 branch, which appears to be where the documentation files are stored, but there are many duplicate files, so I'm not sure which files need to be edited and which are auto-generated. A pointer on the workflow of editing the docs page would be greatly appreciated!

Hello @aarondill,

Thank you very much for reporting the typo and your willigness to help.
It is usefull and mutch appreciated.

Sorry I forgot to enable the "eddit on github" button in the documentation website.
I just did:


Now you can submit pull request, I'll merge promptly.

Best regards

@garronej What exactly is the anegdotal and main folders for? It seems that the website lives at the root directory, and if I attempt to navigate to the files in either folder, the site redirects to the root directory.

They are legacy pages.
The MD files are generated automatically by GitBook.
I just sent you an invite by email for if you want to edit directly on GitBook.

In any case, thank you for your help!

solved by #23