
Add F5 sequence diagram

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Add F5 sequence diagram

Committed in 912fd41

    actor Developer
    participant VSCode
    participant teamsfx
    participant DevTunnel
    participant TDP
    participant Azure
    participant npm
    participant Browser

    %% env/.env.local
    %% env/.env.local.user
    %% appPackage/manifest.json

    activate VSCode
    activate TDP
    activate Azure

    rect rgb(240,240,240)
        VSCode->>teamsfx:Validate prerequisites (prerequisites, portOccupancy)
        activate teamsfx
        teamsfx-->>VSCode: result
        deactivate teamsfx

    rect rgb(240,240,240)
        note right of VSCode: Start DevTunnel
        VSCode->>teamsfx:Start local tunnel (type, port, protocol, access, endpoint, domain, env)
        activate teamsfx
        teamsfx->>DevTunnel:start(port, protocol, access)
        activate DevTunnel
        DevTunnel-->>teamsfx:tunnel (endpoint, domain)
        teamsfx->>teamsfx:write to env file (endpoint, domain)
        teamsfx-->>VSCode: output
        deactivate teamsfx

    rect rgb(240,240,240)
        note right of VSCode: Provision app
        VSCode->>teamsfx:Provision (teamsapp.local.yml)
        activate teamsfx
        rect rgb(200, 150, 255)
            note right of teamsfx: Create app in Teams Developer Portal (TDP)
            teamsfx->>TDP: teamsApp/create (name)
            TDP-->>teamsfx: response (teamsAppId)
            teamsfx->>teamsfx:write to env file (teamsAppId)
        rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
            note right of teamsfx: Provision Azure resources
            teamsfx->>Azure: aadApp/create (name, generateClientSecret, signInAudience)
            Azure-->>teamsfx: response (clientId, clientSecret, objectId, tenantId, authority, authorityHost)
            teamsfx->>teamsfx:write to env file (clientId, objectId, tenantId, authority, authorityHost)
            teamsfx->>teamsfx:write to env user file (clientSecret)
            teamsfx->>Azure: aadApp/update (manifest)
            Azure-->>teamsfx: response (manifest)
            teamsfx->>teamsfx: update file (outputFilePath, manifest)
            teamsfx->>Azure: arm/deploy (subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, templates)
            Azure-->>teamsfx: result (202 Accepted)
        rect rgb(200, 150, 255)
            note right of teamsfx: Package and upload Teams app
            teamsfx->>TDP: teamsApp/validateManifest (manifest)
            TDP-->>teamsfx: result
            teamsfx->>teamsfx: teamsApp/zipAppPackage (manifestPath, outputZipPath, outputJsonPath)
            teamsfx->>TDP:teamsApp/validateAppPackage (appPackagePath)
            TDP-->>teamsfx: result
            teamsfx->>TDP:teamsApp/update (appPackagePath)
            TDP-->>teamsfx: result
            teamsfx-->>VSCode: output
        deactivate teamsfx

    rect rgb(240,240,240)
        note right of Developer: Start local dev server
        VSCode->>teamsfx:Deploy (teamsapp.local.yml)
        activate teamsfx
        teamsfx->>npm:npm install
        activate npm
        deactivate npm
        teamsfx->>teamsfx: file/createOrUpdateEnvironmentFile (target, envs)
        teamsfx-->>VSCode: output
        deactivate teamsfx
        VSCode->>npm: npm run dev:teamsfx
        activate npm
        npm-->>VSCode: output
        VSCode-->>Developer: nodemon task

    VSCode->>VSCode: Attach to debugger
    VSCode->>Browser: Launch (sideloading URL)
    activate Browser
    Browser-->>VSCode: result
    Browser-->>Developer: Microsoft Teams sideloading UI
    deactivate DevTunnel
    deactivate VSCode
    deactivate TDP
    deactivate Azure
    deactivate npm
    deactivate Browser