
Create a tour by moving a highlighted box between elements on the website

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create a tour by moving a highlighted box between elements on the website

Setting up


<p data-tour-desc="Element description"></p>

Additional options

<p class="tour" data-title="Element description"></p>
  description: 'data-title',
  overlay: {
    opacity: 0.5
  accesskey: {
    previous: 'up',
    next: 'down'


Name Type Default Description
classPrefix string tourjs Prefix for the CSS class
offset integer 5 Additional padding between the highlighter and the highlighted element
overlay.opacity integer 0.3 Overlays opacity
tip.opacity integer 1.0 Tips opacity
tip.position string Position. See Element.Position for reference
tip.follow boolean false Should the tooltip follow the highlighter
tip.duration integer 300 Duration of the tip animation
fx.duration integer 500 Duration of the highlighting animation
fx.transition string/object sine:out Transition type for the highlighting animation
keyAccess.activate fn Function triggering the activation - see source for details
accesskey.start string start Event to start the tour
accesskey.next string right Next slide
accesskey.previous string left Previous slide
accesskey.end string esc Close tour


Name Provides Description
onReposition outline, overlaySlices Fires when the highligher gets repositioned
onFirst outline, overlaySlices Fires when highlighter is currently on the first slide
onLast outline, overlaySlices Fires when highlighter is currently on the last slide