Remove jQuery dependency
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Is it possible for you to release a version without jquery as a dependency?
Nowadays developers use Aurelia, Vue, Angular for their projects and don't need jquery.
Are you really asking to remove jQuery dependency from a jQuery plugin? Ok, it was an easy joke, now seriously ;)
Those frameworks are cool, Angular is well established and Vue is gaining moment (don't know about Aurelia to be honest), but their purpose is definitely different than jQuery.
They are great when it comes to build a reactive app with a solid foundation in an easy way, but they cannot really replace jQuery in many use cases (at least in my view).
Now, having said that, I understand your question is actually about releasing this jQuery plugin without jQuery dependency, hence being a vanilla javascript library. While it could certainly be possible, the effort needed to maintain all the features and browsers compatibility without jQuery is absolutely out of the original scope, I'm sorry.
Maybe I could think about a very basic version, something very straightforward but still functional that would satisfy the most common use case(s) without bringing all the complexity of the original plugin. What features would you consider essential?
Hello @gasparesganga
I know about all of them. Let's say. Aurelia is awesome and addictive I suggest it to you. we are working on AureliaToolbelt you can find the demo here
We think your plugin is very cool and far better than jQuery BlockUI
I want to replace our BlockUI component with your cool library.
AureliaToolbelt is based on Bootstrap 4 and BS4 will remove jQuery in version 4.3
We want to use native js libraries for removing jQuery in future. This is the reason that I asked for native one.
I'm glad you appreciate my plugin, but for the time being it will stay as is, a jQuery plugin.
If you look at the code you will see that some crucial parts are not using jQuery at all for better performaces, but what jQuery brings and is absolutely dependable is browser compatibility.
For example, nowadays I (and I guess most developers) don't go crazy about CSS hacks, prefixes and browser specific properties, I either use Autoprefixer or simply rely on jQuery if I'm injecting CSS through JS (this is the case with this plugin). Imagine how complicated would be maintaining the same level of compatibility with vanilla JS. Hundreds of issues and requests guaranteed in no time! :)
Maybe in the future this may change, you'll never know.