More Options
Closed this issue · 3 comments
There are a lot of fixed parameters, for example the position of the image.
Please enable more parameters like imageposition, because if the element is a long list the image is not shown
What do you mean with "the element is a long list"? Are you talking about an element which overflows the current viewport?
If that's the case, I hadn't thought about that. I can certainly expose that option.
What other parameters are you referring to? Please try to give me some details and I will work on it.
It sounds like an easy fix ;)
You are right, my "div" element overflows the screen. So I think you can make a little change like
Line 74: "background-position" : "center center",
Replace 74: "background-position" : settings.imageposition,
Add after Line 19: imageposition : "top center"
So I have an option to place the image. Sorry my Javascript knowledge is poor.
Here you go. I've just committed (378a2f5) Version 1.4.0, which includes an imagePosition option.
It is passed to the CSS background-position property, as you requested.
Note that values like "center 100px"
are valid and accepted as well.
Before actually creating a release, I'm adding support for a CDN and need to update the documentation, but you can download the updated code even now from the master branch.
EDIT : Version 1.4.0 has been released.