
Dropdown doesn't display when switching from setEnabled(false) to setEnabled(true)

paodb opened this issue · 2 comments

paodb commented

If I initialize the combobox with setEnabled(false), when trying to switch to setEnabled(true), the dropdown is not displaying. Here's an example to reproduce the issue:

Button toggleButton = new Button("Toggle combobox status");
MultiselectComboBox<User> combobox = new MultiselectComboBox<User>("Combo");

toggleButton.addClickListener(e -> {

combobox.setItems(List.of(new User("1", "Jane"), new User("2", "John")));

add(toggleButton, combobox);

Vaadin version: 23.0.1
Component version: 4.0.0-rc2

vexa commented

This issue is also relevant for me and i hope this will fix very soon.

vexa commented

I have an Solution that works for me. The trick is that the webcomponent calls Client Callable when it is Ready.
First i set the enabled state to true. This is needed that the Component renders correct. Wehn the Component is ready in Dom i set the Enabeld state.

`public class MultiselectComboBoxExt extends MultiselectComboBox implements HasLabel {

private boolean enabledState;
private boolean attached = false;

public MultiselectComboBoxExt() {

public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (!attached) {
enabledState = enabled;
} else {

private void notifyReady() {
this.getElement().executeJs("$0.$connector.initDataConnector()", new Serializable[0]);
attached = true;