
getValue() returns list with null value after filtering

jensgoe opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  • create MultiSelectComboBox and a Button to invoke getValue()
  • add more items than pageSize (server-side filtering is used)
  • select an item ("item 0")
  • type some text (e.g. "155), so that items got filtered until one item is shown ("item 155")
  • select that item
  • now two items are selected in MultiSelectComboBox ("item 0" and "item 155")
  • push the button

getValue() now returns a list like [null, "item 155"]

My investigation:
The for-loop in MultiSelectComboBox.presentationToModel() calls for each item in the combo-box set.add(multiselectComboBox.getKeyMapper().get(key));. The keyMapper does not know something about the first selected item, because the filtering cleared all keys and created new ones.

call setPageSize() to a number higher than items are in the MultiSelectComboBox. I guess client side filtering does not clear the keyMapper cache.

I hope you can follow my description.

Hi @jensgoe

Thanks for reporting this issue and for your investigation. I have moved it here, as this is the correct repository.

fixed with #40

Hi, I've downloaded 2.4.0 release today and the issue still occurs. Is it possible that something happened between 2.3.1 and 2.4.0?

Hi @GPiotr

There are some changes, but nothing that should've impacted this (at least I did not notice any issues).

Can you reproduce the issue here: ?

Woah! You are fast.
I've checked the live demo and cleaned my project within the rebuild.
Seems that everything is working fine.
Sorry for troubling you.