
Vaadin 15 compatibility

ajgassner opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems the component is currently not compatible with Vaadin 15.

Client side console error: webpack-internal:///../target/flow-frontend/FlowClient.js:205 'frontend://multiselectComboBoxConnector.js' could not be loaded.

Beside the legacy code can be dropped from multiselectComboBoxConnector.js. With V15 Bower mode isn't supported anymore.

Does someone know a simple workaround for version 2.4.0 without copying and modifiying the dependecy source to the project and modifying it?

I didn't see there is already an open pull request #45. It's quite the same as I did here:

Hi @ajgassner,

Thanks for opening this issue. I have not yet added support for V15 as there are some other issues I am working on. Will try to get this out as soon as possible. ✌️

Vaadin 15 support added with #45. Thank you @aspan for the PR 🙏 .

@ajgassner I released version 3.0.0.rc1 that now supports Vaadin 15. Please give it a try and let me know if there are any issues. I will close this ticket as fixed.

Kind regards,

Thank you very much for releasing it! It works now ;)