
Item labels not genarated

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps do reproduce:

  1. Create component with ItemLabelGenerator
  2. Set enabled to false
  3. Trigger somewhere in code to make component enabled and set elements
  4. Try to pick elements on the UI

Result: Elements are loaded without generated labels and cannot be selected

Same issue happened after upgrading from 2.3.0 to 2.5.0, any workaround?


After tried with fresh install of Vaadin 14, it run nicely and it have same version tho (testing with 2.4.2).
Then inspecting the element both and found that the content of vaadin-combo-box-item is different, here the screenshot

Fresh installs of Vaadin 14:

My application using Vaadin 14:

The strange thing is both of them are using same data type String and I didn't set labelGenerator on it

Fyi - this issue fixed if using spring boot 2.2.x, in my app I am using spring boot 2.1.0 and for the fresh install above is using spring boot 2.2.0. Also tried to use spring boot 2.1.0 in fresh install but no luck the issue appeared.

I am still stuck with that issue, current workaround is downgrading the multiselect-combo-box-flow to 2.3.0

Also, the same issue that @miloszszyrner mentioned happens if the component is initially not visible - setVisitble(false) - and then make it visible somewhere in the code later on.

Fyi - this issue fixed if using spring boot 2.2.x, in my app I am using spring boot 2.1.0 and for the fresh install above is using spring boot 2.2.0. Also tried to use spring boot 2.1.0 in fresh install but no luck the issue appeared.

I am still stuck with that issue, current workaround is downgrading the multiselect-combo-box-flow to 2.3.0

I'm on Spring boot 2.2.6.RELEASE and I'm experiencing this issue as well.

DykiSA commented

it's been a long time, is there any update on this?