
Vaadin 14.4.1 running in compatability mode

nbabb opened this issue · 3 comments

nbabb commented

I have followed the online instructions and attempted to get a simple version of this multiselect combo box working, however it doesn't appear in my page. I see the multiselect-combo-box component in the page, but there is no combo rendered. We are running in compatibility mode and so I'm wondering if that might be the issue? We are also using the com.devsoap.vaadin-flow gradle plugin.

Hi @nbabb,

Which version of the component and of the framework are you using? For compatibility mode you should try version 1.1.0 which is unfortunately not as up to date as the newer versions in regards to available features.

Hope this helps,

nbabb commented

I tried using the 2.5.0 version in our Vaadin 14.3.2 app running in compatibility mode. Downgrading to 1.1.0 works, though as you say it is missing some features.

If we need to stay with Vaadin 14 (as the latest LTS version) that means we'd use 2.5.0 (assuming we can get off compatibility mode)? If so, does 2.5.0 have most of the features available in the latest version?

With the 2.5.0 version the combo component appears to stand out in my sample app, where in your online sample it blends nicely with the larger container. Is there some style that needs to be applied to hide the combo border? Also, after adding two items the component shifts up to hide the label (see screen capture below)


If we need to stay with Vaadin 14 (as the latest LTS version) that means we'd use 2.5.0 (assuming we can get off compatibility mode)? If so, does 2.5.0 have most of the features available in the latest version?

Yes, you would need to get off compatibility mode and use the Vaadin 14 version, which at the moment is 2.5.0, and that one has all of the features that are currently supported by the component.

With the 2.5.0 version the combo component appears to stand out in my sample app, where in your online sample it blends nicely with the larger container. Is there some style that needs to be applied to hide the combo border? Also, after adding two items the component shifts up to hide the label (see screen capture below)

I believe the styling issues have been ironed-out, though not yet released. You can target the part inside the component as a temporary workaround. You can see an example here #50 (comment) (that one targets the readonly container, but it's a similar approach)

Regarding the height I don't know what that is, is your container of limited height perhaps?

(edit: I will be closing this issue as the original question was answered)
