
Suffix Component Feature

allenvpn312 opened this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for creating this awesome component. Is there any chance to add a custom component at the end of the multiselect component similar to Vaadins built in setSuffixComponent()?

Thank you

Hi @allenvpn312

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, at this time such a feature is not supported.

I am curious to hear what is your particular use case for adding a custom component at the end and how would that work in terms of the MultiSelectComboBox?


Hi @gatanaso,

Thank you for the quick reply. I am currently using your multiselectcombobox to list and bind multiple tax rates. I wanted to provide the user the ability to view the tax rates details by selecting a button. This can be accomplish by including the multicombox and a button in a horizontal layout but I think it would be functionally better if the button was added to the end of the multicombobox itself.

Hi @allenvpn312

Thanks for letting me know. I think your current approach of using the horizontal layout is good. Adding this functionality to the component itself is not something that would provide much benefits as the component is intended to be used as a multi selection component. Any other responsibilities should be introduced by extension or composition (as you have done in your case).
