The component won't open in a Vaadin Dialog
Sryther opened this issue · 0 comments
Original post: #46 comment.
I could not achieve to display the multiselect like it did before a vaadin upgrade. It worked in the past and since I updated and switched to Material theme I had no luck with it.
I was using the version 14.1.25 and now the version 14.4.0. I tried the "intermediate" version 14.3.7 but the issue looked like the same.
I think I'm in the same situation as #46.
This a sample of my code:
MultiselectComboBox<XX> multiselectComboBox = new MultiselectComboBox<>("", XX.values());
Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
// Prepare the button that displays the multi statuses filter.
Button button = new Button(new Icon(VaadinIcon.FILTER), event -> {;
When I click on the button, I have the (TypeError) : $0.$connector is undefined
error and (TypeError) : window.Vaadin.Flow.multiselectComboBoxConnector is undefined
I'm using Maven:
I tried to use a wrapper element as suggested (div) but it didn't work for me.
For now I switched to the latest Vaadin component MultiSelectListBox<>, introduced in 14.1, because I couldn't wait more for a fix. But your component is still more user-friendly than the Vaadin one.
By the way, thank you very much for this component, it did save a lot of time :).