
Using the component with Vaadin 23 gives NotSupportedError: CustomElementRegistry.define: 'vaadin-lumo-styles' has already been defined as a custom element.

mvysny opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Goran, thank you so much for the component :)

I've tried to use the MultiselectComboBox component version 4.0.0-rc1 and 4.0.0-rc2 with Vaadin 23.0.0.beta1 and 23.0.0.beta2, and in all cases the client-side fails to load with:

NotSupportedError: CustomElementRegistry.define: 'vaadin-lumo-styles' has already been defined as a custom element.

I'm not sure whether the issue is on Vaadin's side or the integration side; it could be that multiple versions of vaadin-lumo-styles are being pulled in. Would you please happen to know a solution from the top of your head?

watho commented

I can say, that 4.0.0-rc2 on Vaadin 23.0.8 works. I had the same error. Switching from pnpm to npm and deleting the node_modules folder fixed it for me.