
is it possible to return a readable stream when there is no file name given, and support range download?

ocylib opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to return a readable stream when there is no file name given, and support range download?
I use to use node-ytdl-core before.
and then find this for ytdl-core face 410 error when deploy to Heroku

ytcog's current download module streams (video and audio) into files and merges (if necessary) into single file. It uses ranges to improve performance. But it is essentially a black box running in a separate fork.

Perhaps if you can flesh out your use case (code would be helpful) of ytdl-core, I could look at adding an alternative to that gives programmatic access and control over streams.

You can still get full access to the download urls after a video.fetch() via video.videoStream[n].url and video.audioStream[n].url

@gatecrasher777 I will try to create a class, which extends class Video, and rewrite the download method. the new download method may like downloadfrominfo in ytdl-core