Cloudfront, S3 setup
timfoulds opened this issue · 0 comments
First of all apologies if this is the wrong place to post this.
I'm looking for some help in setting up Gatsby with S3 and Cloudfront.
Scenario: I have a website and I want to setup a forwarding/redirecting rule on my firewall so that points to my Gatsby s3 & Cloudfront distribution. Can you advise on the best approach? Currently I have tried setting it up but getting ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when hitting the page
Also, this may be complicated further by the peculiarities of my client's setup. DNS for is hosted by Ultrastar>WAF through Imperva>CDN through Fastly. Here I am trying a simple forwarding rule on the Imperva WAF to the cloudfront distro
Any advice warmly welcomed.