
Indonesian Translation Progress

gatsbybot opened this issue ยท 54 comments

For New Translators

To translate a page:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
  2. Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Please take only one page at a time.
  3. Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!

Before contributing, read the glossary and style guide to understand how to translate various technical and Gatsby-specific terms.

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit anymore, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

When someone volunteers, edit this issue with the username of the volunteer, and with the PR. Ex:

When PRs are merged, make sure to mark that page as completed!

Core Pages

These pages should be translated first. These pages must be translated to be considered an official Gatsby localization.





  • docs/recipes (@wafaulhimam) #42
  • docs/recipes/pages-layouts
  • docs/recipes/styling-css
  • docs/recipes/working-with-starters
  • docs/recipes/working-with-themes
  • docs/recipes/sourcing-data
  • docs/recipes/querying-data
  • docs/recipes/working-with-images
  • docs/recipes/transforming-data
  • docs/recipes/deploying-your-site

API Reference

  • docs/api-reference
  • docs/theme-api
  • docs/gatsby-link
  • docs/gatsby-image
  • docs/gatsby-config
  • docs/browser-apis
  • docs/ssr-apis
  • docs/api-files
  • docs/api-files-gatsby-config
  • docs/api-files-gatsby-browser
  • docs/api-files-gatsby-node
  • docs/api-files-gatsby-ssr
  • docs/actions
  • docs/graphql-api
  • docs/node-apis
  • docs/node-api-helpers
  • docs/node-model
  • docs/node-interface
  • docs/schema-customization
  • docs/api-specification

Can i translate docs/index @cendekia @coroo? But it's a little too short, i want to add docs/quick-start as well.

Can i translate docs/index @cendekia @coroo? But it's a little too short, i want to add docs/quick-start as well.

Yes please ๐Ÿ˜Š

Ok forked, thanks ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Can i translate tutorial/index @cendekia @coroo?

Can i translate tutorial/index @cendekia @coroo?

Silahkan ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Hi, I finished translating docs/index and docs/quick-start. Now waiting for review. Can I translate tutorial/part-zero next?

Hi, I finished translating docs/index and docs/quick-start. Now waiting for review. Can I translate tutorial/part-zero next?

Yeah sure, no one claims it yet

i joined to translate tutorial/part-one mas @cendekia

i joined to translate tutorial/part-one mas @cendekia

Yes, please :)

Could i translate tutorial/part-two @cendekia @coroo?

coroo commented

Could i translate tutorial/part-two @cendekia @coroo?

Yes please @andriawan :)

I'm working on docs/gatsby-cli if no one claims, thank you @cendekia @coroo!

mass @cendekia @coroo! ,boleh saya ikutan translate tutorial/part-three yaa

mass @cendekia @coroo! ,boleh saya ikutan translate tutorial/part-three yaa

Silahkan ๐Ÿ‘Œ

mas @cendekia @coroo , boleh translate yang tutorial/part-four ?

coroo commented

Silahkan @pbwibowo ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘Œ

I want to translate page tutorial/five @cendekia @coroo

I'm working on tutorial/part-six now, thank you @cendekia @coroo.

Hi admin, saya boleh bantu kontribusi di page tutorial/part-seven @cendekia @coroo ?

coroo commented

Yes please @andihaki

mass @cendekia & @coroo. , saya sambung translate tutorial/part-eight yaa?

coroo commented

Yes please @herkahahaha

coroo commented

Hi @wafaulhimam . Thank you for your enthusiasm. I already comment in your PR.

thanks, bro @coroo
May I translate for docs/recipes? @coroo & @cendekia

thanks, bro @coroo
May I translate for docs/recipes? @coroo & @cendekia

Go ahead @wafaulhimam, it's already reserved for you

@cendekia, I'm half-way to translate glossary.

@cendekia, I'm half-way to translate glossary.

Silahkan dilanjutkan :)

thanks, Bro @cendekia

Mas saya translate bagian ini docs/docs/ boleh ?

coroo commented

Silahkan @pbwibowo

Hello mas @coroo & @cendekia, may you check my PR for translate, please? Thanks

Hi, I would like to translate this page please ๐Ÿ™

why-contribute-to-gatsby sudah ketranslate ternyata, saya coba translate add-page-metadata. may you please check my PR here #45, Thank you so much!

coroo commented

@cakasuma done. Please check your PR update ๐Ÿ˜

coroo commented

Hello mas @coroo & @cendekia, may you check my PR for translate, please? Thanks

Done ๐Ÿ˜

coroo commented

@cendekia, I'm half-way to translate glossary.

@zweimach any update on glossary?

Makasih banyak mas @coroo . I'd like to continue with docs/

hello mas bro @coroo & @cendekia, may I translate for these:

  • docs/
  • docs/
  • docs/
  • docs/
    And wanna ask, Mas, why we are not creating one channel 'localization/translation-id' in GatsbyJS Discord Channel?

Thank you

coroo commented

Makasih banyank mas @coroo . I'd like to continue with docs/

Hi @cakasuma , please let us know if there are any problem regarding docs/ . We re still waiting for you ๐Ÿ˜

Hi Mas @coroo & @cendekia , i want translate

  • docs/
    thank you

@coroo @cendekia Can I take docs/contributing/ ? ๐Ÿ™‚

Hallo @coroo and @cendekia, may i translate this one docs/recipes/deploying-your-site ?

Hi @coroo @cendekia, Could i translate docs/recipes/pages-layouts?


Hallo Mas @coroo @cendekia, can i contribute translation process for docs/recipes/pages-layouts..?, please response, thanks a million

Halo mas @coroo @cendekia saya boleh ikut berkontribusi ya

saya mau kontribusi untuk translate di tutorial Plugin & Theme Tutorials ya mas @coroo @cendekia

@tesseralis it's seems this translation progress is no longer maintained, some pull request eg. #49 is not resolved yet since the maintainer of this repo is not active. it would be nice to add a new maintainer (native indonesian) to maintain the quality of this repository. i dont mind to help maintaining this repo tho :).

I would love to help too

seems like @gatsbyjs still experiencing some internal issue here.

i'll keep looking forward into this thread, hopefully this repo (indonesian translation of gatsby docs) can be actively maintained again.

seems like @gatsbyjs still experiencing some internal issue here.

i'll keep looking forward into this thread, hopefully this repo (indonesian translation of gatsby docs) can be actively maintained again.

I can see it and looking forward for the TL progress... Hope the issues get resolved soon..

@tesseralis Should we need to sync this repo to the base gatsby js repo?