
Cannot Query Articles or Pages

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I am transitioning from the original gatsby-source-shopify plugin. We query the articles and pages in Shopify and it seems like this plugin doesn't do that. Is that in the roadmap or is there something I am missing?

I wonder if you can run the two plugins in parallel, the old one just to fetch content. Not ideal but could get the job done

That is what I ended up doing and it is working just fine. Forgot to update the issue.

Since the plugin got pushed onto the same npm handle how can I use both plugins parallel? Will articles and pages be included in the future? Thank you!

The reason why we have so far chosen not to support this is:

  1. This data is only available through the Storefront API whereas this plugin currently only consumes admin/bulk
  2. We could fetch this data from the Storefront API but it doesn't support incremental builds which is a key objective of this plugin

But I'm sure we'd love to understand your use cases better as we continue to evaluate whether we should support this somehow in the future.

Without it pulling in articles and pages, you are forced to use a third party cms to produce content for blogs and pages, where as I can see why some people would rather just edit all content within the shopify interface and not have to log in two separate systems.

Without it pulling in articles and pages, you are forced to use a third party cms to produce content for blogs and pages, where as I can see why some people would rather just edit all content within the shopify interface and not have to log in two separate systems.

That's good to know. In our early user research we found that many people were in fact using two separate systems anyway, because e.g. Contentful was a better choice for a lot of that content.

The main disadvantage to pulling down this content is that we have to rebuild all of that content on every build, even if we already have most of that content cache. That's because the Storefront API doesn't support some of the things that we need to perform incremental builds. We might be able to support these data types on an opt-in basis, though.